Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The company firmly believes “CSR isn’t a particular programme, it is a day-to-day practice which we do to give back to the earth and society for betterment.” The company has done various CSR activities which includes:

Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation:

We believe that nature must be balanced and plantation help us breathe clean air, provide organic fruits and vegetables. We have planted more than 13,000 floras and faunas at mines, processing unit and nearby villages. The various plant includes: Teak trees, Neem trees, Mango saplings, Gooseberries, Mud apple, Guavas, Almonds, Papaya, Jackfruit, Lemon trees, Eucalyptus trees, Aloe Vera plants, and many more. We have taken the pledge to plant at least 1100 plants every year.

Water Reservoir:

We have created artificial lakes for storing the water in the surroundings of villages which helped creatures to survive and to water the plants. We have also planted trees in the surrounding of lake and in multiple region of Kotri village.

Water Reservoir
Water coolers

Water coolers:

In the rural areas, people still struggle for getting drinking water. We wanted to make their life easy, hence we have installed water coolers in the village Kankroilya Ghati, which provide them fresh and clean water for drinking purpose.

Classroom Constructions:

We firmly believe that education helps in the growth of the society, hence providing hygienic and green surrounding helped the children of village to focus on study. We constructed classrooms in the village of Kankroliya and provided necessary material such as classroom benches, blackboards, stationery and water facilities in the school. We also keep a look on the maintenance of the provided facilities and as and when required we provide material to them.

Classroom Constructions
Road Construction

Road Construction:

We wanted to make the commutation easy for the villagers, hence, we have constructed roads in Sahroli village. We also keep a check on the any damage done and whenever repair is required.

Temple Restoration:

The God is the creator of this universe, provided us with place to live, hence, we try to serve our part to the creator. We have worked on restoration project of Temple in Kotri Village which is known as Kotri Charbujanath Temple, in the Sahroli Village and Kankroliya Village. We have provided funds in restoration project, for making the prayer room, kitchen and space for worshipers. We have also planted trees for clean air and to create shade for the worshipers.

Temple Restoration

We continuously put efforts for society betterment, maintain the ecological surroundings and sustainable growth. We wish to serve more to our mother earth and provide as much as facilities to the community in future as well.
